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MKN Conferences and Professional Development

MO-KAN-NE offers a variety of professional development opportunities for TRIO and GEAR UP professionals to expand their skills. ​​

MKN Annual Conference

Annual Conference

The Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska

(MO-KAN-NE) Chapter of the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA) will be holding its 47th Annual Conference,
Where - Kansas City, MO. - Country Club Plaza Marriott 

Our Annual Conference is a place where we can increase our engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise.  

2025-MKN-Conference-Final-Logo (1).jpg

Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza Hotel Booking Information 

Book your group rate for the MO-KAN-NE Chapters Conference 2025


You will find the information for your online reservation link below. If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.

Click the link either above or below to book your conference hotel room. 

Book your Group rate for the MO-KAN-NE Chapter Conference 2025


Hotel Information Summary: 

MO-KAN-NE Chapters Conference 2025

Start Date: Monday, March 31, 2025

End Date: Friday, April 4, 2025

Last Day to Book your Hotel: Monday, March 10, 2025

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza for 179 USD per night


**For individuals who have tax-exempt status in the State of Missouri. A paper copy of your tax-exempt status letter will need to be provided during check-in.**

Please use the link below to purchase the following registration ticket options:


Talent Search Program Design Workshop,

EOC Program Design Workshop 

New Professionals Session

DIY STEM on a Budget: Engaging Activities with Career Connections 

Empowering TRIO Leaders: Navigating Leadership and Grant Management Success

Conference Registration for Member, Non-Member, Student, Admin, Retiree


 Our conference is a place where we can increase our engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise.


 Our conference is a place where we can increase our engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise.


 Our conference is a place where we can increase our engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise.


 Our conference is a place where we can increase our engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise.

Computer Keyboard



MKN Annual Conference


MKN Professional Development




TRIO Conferences

Pre-Conference Session Overview Information Sheet.

This flyer provides comprehensive details and descriptions of all the pre-conference sessions that TRIO/GEAR UP Chapter members can register for during the Annual Conference week.


Scan the QR Code for additional information about each available Pre-Conference Session.

MKN Pre-Conference
Image by Robin Edqvist

Achievers Award

Nominations are now open for the
MO-KAN-NE Achievers Award

What is an MKN Achiever? An MKN Achiever is an outstanding former TRIO/GEAR UP participant who has received recognition within his/her profession or for outstanding academic achievement.


They are individuals who have made significant civic, community, or professional contributions. MKN Achievers are recognized at the MKN Achievers banquet at the Annual Conference.  It is a special event that allows our MO-KAN-NE community to congratulate our alumni on their success.


This award further serves as a source of pride in the knowledge that MO-KAN-NE continues to make a difference in the lives of thousands of first-generation and low-income students throughout the

MO-KAN-NE region and the United States.


For 2025, the MO-KAN-NE Chapter will honor up to two (2) MKN Achievers.

Submission deadline is March 3, 2025, by 5:00 pm

The 2025 MKN Achiever Nomination Form is also attached.

Please contact the MKN Achiever Chair,

Liz Shepard at

if you need additional information or assistance.

Criteria for the Selection of

MKN Achiever:

The MKN Achiever nominee must:

● Be a former TRIO/GEAR UP program participant who was enrolled in and completed a TRIO/GEAR UP program in the MO-KAN-NE Region.

● Have enrolled in and completed a post-secondary program of study resulting in a baccalaureate or terminal degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

● Must be a person of high stature within his/her profession or has received recognition for outstanding academic achievement.

● Must currently be employed above the entry-level designation for his/her profession or enrolled in a program for a degree above the baccalaureate degree. Special preference is given to nominees who have been out of school for five or more years.

● Must have made significant civic, community, or professional contributions.

● Acknowledge that participation in the TRIO/GEAR UP project had a significant impact on the candidate in obtaining his/her educational and/or professional objectives.

MO-KAN-NE Achievers
Image by Michael Fousert

Hall of Fame 

Nominations are now open for the2025MO-KAN-NE Hall of Fame

2025 MKN - Hall of Fame 

The Chapter recognizes and rewards its members who have shown outstanding commitment, energy, and excellence toward achieving the mission and goals of the organization by induction into the MO-KAN-NE Hall of Fame.


Persons confirmed to the MO-KAN-NE Hall of Fame will receive Honorary Membership status in MKN as defined in the Chapter’s constitution.


This status is reflected in the program for MKN’s Annual Conference and in the MKN directory.

​Please contact the MKN Hall of Fame Chair,

Rashawn Harvey at

if you need additional information or assistance

The submission deadline for MKN Hall of Fame is

Friday, March 3, 2025, by 5:00 pm

Nominations for the MKN Hall of Fame will be done electronically at the following link below:

Criteria for the Selection of

MKN Achiever:

1. The nominee shall be at least a ten-year Active Professional member of MKN and should be of current status at the time of nomination and induction.​

2. The nominee shall have served as an officer in MKN and/or chaired a committee on the MKN level.


3. The nominee shall have demonstrated strong leadership by having provided professional development workshops, educational training, or developed model or exemplary programs for the organization's constituency.


4. The nominee shall have coordinated a successful major fund-raising activity and/or generated significant other outside support for MKN activities.


5. The nominee shall have provided an outstanding contribution to the goals and mission of MKN.


6. Nominator must submit a letter supporting the nomination of the nominee.

MKN Hall of Fame
MKN Past Honoray Members

MKN Past Honorary Members

MO-KAN-NE wishes to pay tribute to our past MKN Hall of Fame awardees. By looking back at their journeys, we are reminded of the power of dedication, perseverance, and passion. Each inductee into our Hall of Fame has created a distinct path, leaving an everlasting impact on their respective fields and touching the lives of countless individuals along the way.


These individuals exemplify the spirit of excellence and innovation that defines our community. Through their groundbreaking discoveries, artistic brilliance, visionary leadership, and remarkable acts of service, they have left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire us all.


Whether through their groundbreaking inventions, transformative leadership, artistic masterpieces, or acts of kindness and compassion, our Hall of Fame winners have enriched our lives and expanded the boundaries of what is possible. We honor not only their accomplishments but also the values they embody – perseverance, creativity, integrity, and a commitment to excellence.

Traditional Library

2025 MKN College Access and Success

Outstanding Institution 

The MKN College Access and Success Outstanding Institution may be any institution or organization committed to the TRIO/GEAR UP/EOP movement that exemplifies the goal of ensuring that college access and success are available to all students.


Through their work with a TRIO/GEAR UP/EOP grant, this institution exudes the passion, professionalism, and perseverance to effectively assist low-income and/or first-generation students in their quest to access and succeed in college.


We encourage you to think of the champions who work with your TRIO/GEAR UP/EOP grant to ensure student success.


Mail or e-mail this application to:

MKN Advocacy & Recognition Co-Chairs Corinne Nilsen & Vanessa Souriya-Mnirajd


Wichita State University

1845 Fairmount, Campus Box 110

Wichita, KS 67260-0110


MKN Outstanding Institution
Team Brainstorm

2025 MKN College Access and Success

Outstanding Professional 

The MKN College Access and Success Outstanding Professional is committed to the TRIO/GEAR UP/EOP movement and the goal of ensuring that college access and success are available to all students.


Through their work with TRIO/GEAR UP/EOP, this person exudes the passion and perseverance to assist low-income and/or first-generation students in their quest to attain a postsecondary education.


We encourage you to think of the heroes within your grant who work hard every day for students, including but not limited to, directors, assistant directors, educational specialists, evaluators, coordinators, grant managers, and college advisors.

Please contact the MKN

Advocacy & Recognition Chairs,

Corinne Nilsen or Vanessa Souriya-Mnirajd at

Corinne.Nilsen@wichita or

if you need additional information.

MKN Outstanding Professional 
Taking Notes

Call for

We are in search of proposals for our annual conference and we hope you can help!


The annual conference is a place where attendees can increase engagement, learn pertinent skills, be inspired, provide support, network with colleagues, and share our expertise. This year's annual conference theme is centered around banding together and creating an environment of collaboration. The success of the annual conference depends on the active participation and contribution of the membership in presenting sessions and workshops that are engaging and informative. 

Every program has something they've refined over time and learned to do well; submit a proposal to share your expertise with your TRIO/Gear UP and other educational opportunity program colleagues!  We welcome presentations on successful activities for motivating, engaging, and inspiring employees, strategies to impact students, improve recruitment or retention, or any other innovative practices and procedures.


The purpose of the workshop sessions is to increase the knowledge of and provide practical tools for attendees and to support the work they do with students, staff, colleagues, and within the community. 

You are encouraged to consider sharing your knowledge and skill sets with your colleagues!

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, March 7, 2025.

If you have any questions,

please contact Jeromy Layman, Proposals Chair,

at and put "MOKANNE Proposals" in the Subject Line.

Call for Proposals

Member Involved in Leadership & Engagement (MILE)



Member Involved in Leadership & Engagement


MILE is to create a network of engaged TRIO professionals while gaining knowledge of MKN/EOA/COE, the importance of state and federal advocacy, and to critically think about enhancing the quality of the MKN


The priority deadline for this application TBA


The one‐year program involves six, 2‐day training sessions that are held on Fridays in Kansas City, MO or virtual meeting within the MO-KAN-NE region. One of the six sessions are held in conjunction with the annual EOA conferences.


Possess a greater understanding of COE, EOA, US Department of Education, MO-KAN-NE history, structure, objectives, and procedures. 


Contribute to the success of their respective chapters and the original association by assuming leadership responsibilities such as holding offices, chairing committees, and serving as mentors for new MO-KAN-NE professionals


The Cohort will have an opportunity to experience Chapter Board and EOA meetings. The cohort will have an opportunity to display their leadership skills and create a Drive-in Conference for the member and new professionals.

Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI)


Emerging Leaders Institute(ELI)


The Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) is an innovative program that was designed by EOA leaders who recognized the need to strengthen EOA by developing potential leaders from within the association. Initiated in 1989, the program’s purpose was to identify and prepare EOA members to assume leadership positions at the chapter and regional levels, to help those individuals grow personally and professionally, and to strengthen the association.

The Emerging Leaders Institute is a year‐long leadership development program. The program’s design combines professional development, networking opportunities, and hands‐on experiences that prepare participants for greater involvement in EOA and in the respective chapters.


The one‐year program involves five, 2‐day training sessions that are held on Fridays and Saturdays in various cities within the EOA region. Two of the five sessions are held in conjunction with the annual EOA conferences.


Possess a greater understanding of EOA’s history, structure, objectives and procedures.


Contribute to the success of their respective chapters and the original association by assuming leadership responsibilities such as holding offices, chairing committees, and serving as mentors for new EOA professionals.


Become committed to their professions, the association, and the students they serve.

During the ELI training sessions, participants:

  • Network with EOA Professionals

  • Gain a better understanding of the EOA organization.

  • Develop and enhance leadership skills through professional development activities and individual assignments.

  • Complete an ELI class project as charged by the EOA president.

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Address: MO-KAN-NE Chapter


1701 Troost Avenue #1003
Kansas City, MO 64108

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